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更新时间:2014/9/22 16:16    出处:互联网

近年来,危险货物需求在快速增加。有关机构统计,我国每年通过道路运输的危险货物在2亿吨左右,作为物流行业第三大利润来源,危险品物流初具规模。 然而危险品运输事故频发,让企业胆战心惊,期盼着安全高效的第三方物流的介入,势必会提高运输过程的安全系数,同时减少成本,摆脱危化品运输过程中事故频发和成本居高不下的困境,消除后顾之忧,双赢互惠。但是,我国要发展第三方物流运输危化品,目前仍有诸多问题待解。各企业形象不统一,单个企业实力普遍较低、难以实现规模效益等问题突出,成为限制行业进一步发展的瓶颈。如何促进行业健康发展,实现安全、可靠的绿色物流,也已成为行业关注的焦点。


由上海博华国际展览有限公司主办的2015国际食品、医药产业物流装备与服务展(FPLogistics 2015)将在2015624-26日在上海新国际博览中心举行。






Fasten the Safety Belt of Dangerous Goods Logistics


The demand for dangerous goods is rapidly increasing in recent years. The volume of dangerous goods by road transport is around 2 hundred million tons per year in China. Dangerous goods logistics is taking shape as the third source of profit for logistics industry. However companies are terrified by frequent accidents, expecting safe and efficient outsourced logistics services which is bound to raise safety factors and reduce costs. But many problems remain to be solved. Restricted by weak strength of single company and disunified company profiles, scale profit is hard to be realized, which has become the bottleneck of logistics industry.The current issue is how to make safe and reliable green logistics, achieving a healthy development.


FPLogistics 2015, organized by UBM Sinoexpo, will be held on 24-26 June 2015 in Shanghai New International Expo Centre.


FPLogistics 2015 gathers exhibitors and providers of logistics equipment, technologies and services on food and pharmaceutical industries. It is the leading industry platform in Asia for supply chain and logistics decision makers, logistics service suppliers and all other industry stakeholders to meet, network and discuss latest industry trends, partnership models and new technologies in Asia.Ultrafast, Ocean& Sky, Chemfast,Hongda, etc. will attend the event as exhibitors. Pharma Supply Chain Conference 2015 will be concurrently held with FPLogistics.


FPLogistics2015 will continue to further improve the communication and cooperation for companies in promoting logistics technique and service, and building channels to global market for China’s logistics industry development. 

上一篇:2015国际食品、医药产业物流装备与服务展 下一篇:顺丰将作为展商加盟2015国际医药物流展
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